What's It All About?

It's all too easy for days to pass without reflection. It's my hope that through a greater active awareness on each day, that I will be able to consider God's presence in my life and in the world around me. Writing has always been a way for me to round up my thoughts. This blog seems like a good place to park those thoughts for my own benefit as well as the benefit of others. Please take a moment to read what I have written, to offer comments, and to share the ideas with others.

Friday, October 30, 2015

Conceal and Reveal

New Melones Dam, Old Parrotts Ferry Bridge Now Revealed Due to Drought
Earlier this month my SIL, BIL and I took a trip to visit the site of the New Melones Reservoir. The old bridge is now exposed due to a severe reduction in the level of the reservoir. The photo above shows an area that was once completely submerged under water. That bridge was covered for many, many years until now. To say that it was an awesome sight, something incredible to actually be a witness to, is a real understatement. Words don't begin to describe things. I will say however that I felt a certain "accidental privilege" in being able to witness something that otherwise would not be visible. This area was covered before I moved to the area and in fact, before I was born if I am not mistaken. I tried to keep these things in mind as I walked down into the reservoir. I felt that I should somehow be careful and I felt that my vocabulary was really inadequate to describe how I was feeling. It was as if the earth itself was being exposed to me somehow. 

This morning I came across an article that somewhat underscores what I am getting at above. The article can be found here. It's a short read and a good way of looking at just how vulnerable we all are when we open ourselves up to others. In this age of being able to readily share any and all information, I suspect many of us forget just how important that information really is; how we are changed when we reveal things. And conversely, how we change others at the same time when we open up to them.


1 comment:

  1. First to think the lack of rain has caused this reservoir to be this far receded is so scary. Libby our greatest resource that sustains us is being depleted. I have always been careful to not waste water. We have a well and during dry spells I am aware of this precious commodity. Thanks for sharing. Read the article you linked. Excellent observation. It often helps when we reach out and share not only the good things but the bad is well. After all each of us is on a journey-so good to have someone to walk with us. Hugs!


I am not into censorship but instead just feel that some caution is in order. Please comment freely.