What's It All About?

It's all too easy for days to pass without reflection. It's my hope that through a greater active awareness on each day, that I will be able to consider God's presence in my life and in the world around me. Writing has always been a way for me to round up my thoughts. This blog seems like a good place to park those thoughts for my own benefit as well as the benefit of others. Please take a moment to read what I have written, to offer comments, and to share the ideas with others.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Tracy Morgan

I don't know anything about comedian Tracy Morgan but I just finished watching his interview on the Today Show. It was hard to watch. The phrase "raw emotion" comes to mind. Normally I would have turned off the show. Watching someone else's misery as a form of entertainment doesn't suit me. But I watched this time and I am glad that I did. I am still opposed to watching the suffering of others in order to somehow gain something (entertainment, feeling better about your own situation) or to endorse a practice (such as exploiting people for ratings on TV) but somehow I feel that it was important to hear this man's story. He was just so very honest and so very basic about what must be a complex set of emotions. If that isn't a human-to-human experience I don't know what is. I  will never meet this guy of course but it doesn't matter. I was a witness to the everyday miracle of the human condition.

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I am not into censorship but instead just feel that some caution is in order. Please comment freely.